News Detail


May, 2022

Important 2022 All-Star Dates

Important dates for the 2022 District 6 All-Star Tournaments

Madatory All-Star Coaches Meeting -  6/4/2022
This meeting is mandatory for each All-Star Managers and their coaches.   This meeting will be hosted by the Arcadia Little League at the Camelback Christian Church, which is located at 6235 E Camelback Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85251.   Please contact your league president for the time of this meeting

- Mandatory All-Star Team Pictures - 6/11/2022
Each All-Star Team that will be competing in this tournament will be required to meet at Chaparral Park, which is located at 5401 N Hayden Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85250.   Team pictures will take place on field #5, at a time that will be preassigned and given out to team managers at the mandatory coaches meeting,

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